Linguistics graduate program
If your interest is in the Linguistics doctoral program, I am always happy to supervise admitted students whenever I have relevant expertise. However, I do not have a lab per se, nor do individual faculty members make admissions decisions. In our department, the faculty as a whole evaluates admission applications by consensus. For a candidate to be successful, a majority of the faculty must be in favor. All are welcome to apply to the program; there is information on the department web page.
In their statements of purpose, candidates frequently mention faculty members that they would like to work with, and you are quite welcome to do so. An expression of interest is different from an endorsement by the faculty member, which is not the usual practice in our department.
Postdocs and visiting professors
There are currently no postdoc or visiting-professor positions that I am involved in. In the absence of advertised positions, I unfortunately do not have anything that I can offer to those seeking such positions.
Computer Science
If your interest is in computer science, I encourage you to seek out faculty members with an appointment in that department. I am an affiliate of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), but that is not the same as having an appointment, and I am not involved in admissions to CSE.